Not that I expected anything BUT excellence and quality with your credentials, but this is both. Great work, especially since you were ghosted when attempting to actually obtain two sides of a story like journalists do. You are the real deal. Strang sold out. He needs a reminder that people can be Christians and true journalists at the same time. Truth and accountability. Those never go out of style. Thanks for upholding both and maintaining the line that good old-fashioned newsprint was built on.

(Yeah, I learned on a bulky old typesetter machine!)

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Thank you for this and other reporting on this important issue. I am an outsider to this specific instance (I have been to IHOP-KC, but was never an "insider" there). But I am not an outsider to the devaluing of women's voices in the Body of Christ. I am not an outsider to being viewed as a "temptation" to overcome rather than a co-laborer in Christ. I am not an outsider to my humanity being valued less than good of "the Ministry." I am not an outsider to my ministry and calling being prioritized far below the ministry and calling of men in "power." As a woman, this angers me. As a believer, it breaks my heart. The Charismatic movement has long prayed for fresh waves of revival. Revival will tarry until deep and lasting repentance comes. False revivals may come, but true revival will only come when we who are called by his name turn from our own wickedness - not repentance "on behalf" of others' wickedness, our own. Thank you again, and thank you to all in this situation who did stand by these amazingly brave women. And to the women: THANK YOU for speaking truth to power.

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Really excellent! Thank you!

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